Letztes “update” :
Forschungsgruppen - An-Najah National University, Faculty of Medicines and Health Sciences   pdf  
An-Najah National University, Faculty of Medicines and Health Sciences
Literaturverzeichnis   Literaturverzeichnis   (5)  
Stability of extemporaneously prepared sitagliptin phosphate solution.
Zaid A.N, Abu Zaaror Y, Kaddumi A , Ghanem M , Jaradat N , Abu Salah T, Siaj S, Omari L. ()
PlosOne - 2022 - 17(3): e0262068.
Stability of extemporaneously prepared rosuvastatin oral suspension.
Zaid A.N, Shtayah R, Qadumi A, Ghanem M, Qedan R, Daibes M, Abu Awwad S, Jaradat N, Kittana N. (anzaid@najah.edu)
Am J Health-Syst Pharm - 2017 - ; 74,19: 1579-1583
Compounding and stability evaluation of atorvastatin extemporaneous oral suspension using tablets or pure powder.
Zaid A.N, Assali M, Zalmout S, Basheer A. (anzaid@najah.edu)
EJHP - 2016 - ; 24: 157-161.
Preparation and Stability Evaluation of Extemporaneous Oral Suspension of Valsartan Using Commercially Available Tablets.
Zaid Abdel Naser, Assali M, Qaddomi A, Ghanem M, Zaaror Yara Abu. ()
Int J Pharm Compound - 2014 - ; 18, 2 : 169-174.
Formulation and Stability Evaluation of Extemporaneously Prepared Atenolol Capsules from Crushed Atenolol Tablets.
Zaid Abdel Naser, Malkieh Numan, Kharoaf Maher, Ghoush Abeer Abu, Al-Ramahi Rowa. ()
Int J Pharm Compound - 2012 - ; 16, 4: 342-346.

Molekülverzeichnis   studierte Moleküle   (5)  
Betarezeptorenblocker Kapsel (Singular !) Atenolol
Lipidsenkenden Lösung zum Einnehmen Atorvastatine
Lipidsenkenden Lösung zum Einnehmen Rosuvastatin
Zu Hypoglykämie führend Lösung zum Einnehmen Sitagliptine phosphate
Antihypertonikum Lösung zum Einnehmen Valsartan

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