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Echipe de cercetare : Piscataway - State University of New Jersey, College of Pharmacy
Autor : Jump WG, Plaza VM, Poremba A.
titlu : Compatibility of nalbuphine hydrochloride with other preoperative medications.
Référence : Am J Hosp Pharm ; 39: 841-843. 1982

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InjectabilAtropine sulfate Antimuscarinic
Compatibil 0,2 & 0,5 mg/ml + InjectabilNalbuphine hydrochloride 5 & 10 mg/ml
InjectabilDiazepam Anxiolitic
Incompatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilNalbuphine hydrochloride 2,5 >> 10 mg/ml
InjectabilDroperidol Neuroleptic
Compatibil 2,5 & 5 mg/ml + InjectabilNalbuphine hydrochloride 5 & 10 mg/ml
InjectabilHydroxyzine dihydrochloride Anxiolitic
Compatibil 50 mg/ml + InjectabilNalbuphine hydrochloride 2,5 >> 10 mg/ml
InjectabilNalbuphine hydrochloride Antidot
Compatibil 5 & 10 mg/ml + InjectabilAtropine sulfate 0,2 & 0,5 mg/ml
Incompatibil 2,5 >> 10 mg/ml + InjectabilDiazepam 5 mg/ml
Compatibil 5 & 10 mg/ml + InjectabilDroperidol 2,5 & 5 mg/ml
Compatibil 2,5 >> 10 mg/ml + InjectabilHydroxyzine dihydrochloride 50 mg/ml
Incompatibil 2,5 >> 10 mg/ml + InjectabilPentobarbital sodium 25 & 50 mg/ml
Compatibil 2,5 >> 10 mg/ml + InjectabilProchlorperazine edysilate 5 mg/ml
Compatibil 5 & 10 mg/ml + InjectabilPromethazine hydrochloride 12,5 & 25 mg/ml
Compatibil 5 & 10 mg/ml + InjectabilScopolamine hydrobromide 0,46 & 0,83 mg/ml
InjectabilPentobarbital sodium Anestezic general
Incompatibil 25 & 50 mg/ml + InjectabilNalbuphine hydrochloride 2,5 >> 10 mg/ml
InjectabilProchlorperazine edysilate Neuroleptic
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilNalbuphine hydrochloride 2,5 >> 10 mg/ml
InjectabilPromethazine hydrochloride Antihistaminic H1
Compatibil 12,5 & 25 mg/ml + InjectabilNalbuphine hydrochloride 5 & 10 mg/ml
InjectabilScopolamine hydrobromide Antimuscarinic
Compatibil 0,46 & 0,83 mg/ml + InjectabilNalbuphine hydrochloride 5 & 10 mg/ml

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