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Type : Revue
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Equipes de recherche : Phoenyx - Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Department of Pharmacy
Auteurs : Griffith S, Stapleton E, Padilla S, Mruk A, Thomas C.
Titre : Physical compatibility of milrinone 1 mg/mL with select cardiovascular medications during simulated Y-site administration.
Référence : Am J Health-Syst Pharm ;77,23:1938-1940. 2020

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Liste des molécules
InjectableAmiodarone hydrochloride Antiarythmique
Compatible 1.8 mg/ml + InjectableMilrinone lactate 1 mg/ml
InjectableBumetanide Diurétique
Compatible 0,25 mg/ml + InjectableMilrinone lactate 1 mg/ml
InjectableEpinephrine hydrochloride Sympathomimétique
Compatible 32 µg/ml + InjectableMilrinone lactate 1 mg/ml
InjectableFurosemide Diurétique
Incompatible 10 mg/ml + InjectableMilrinone lactate 1 mg/ml
InjectableMilrinone lactate Cardiotonique
Compatible 1 mg/ml + InjectableAmiodarone hydrochloride 1.8 mg/ml
Compatible 1 mg/ml + InjectableBumetanide 0,25 mg/ml
Compatible 1 mg/ml + InjectableEpinephrine hydrochloride 32 µg/ml
Incompatible 1 mg/ml + InjectableFurosemide 10 mg/ml
Compatible 1 mg/ml + InjectableNicardipine hydrochloride 0,4 mg/ml
Compatible 1 mg/ml + InjectableNorepinephrine bitartrate 0,032 mg/ml
InjectableNicardipine hydrochloride Vasodilatateur
Compatible 0,4 mg/ml + InjectableMilrinone lactate 1 mg/ml
InjectableNorepinephrine bitartrate Sympathomimétique
Compatible 0,032 mg/ml + InjectableMilrinone lactate 1 mg/ml

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