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References   References 4214  
Type : Journal
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Research teams : New Orleans - College of Pharmacy, Xavier University of Louisiana
Authors : Pramar Y.V, Mandal T.K, Bostanian L.A, Nguyen A.TQ, Miller V, Morris T.C, Graves R.A.
Title : Stability of Compounded Ursodiol Suspensions in PCCA Base, SuspendIt.
Reference : Int J Pharm Compound ;23,1:70-76 2019

Level of Evidence : 
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Other methods : 
Comments : 

List of drugs
Oral solutionUrsodesoxycholique acid Various
Stability in solutions plastic bottle tablets 4000 mg
acesulfame potassium 400 mg
Steviol glycoside 95% 400 mg
Suspendit® 80 mL
25°C Protect from light
181 Day
Stability in solutions plastic bottle tablets 8000 mg
acesulfame potassium 400 mg
Steviol glycoside 95% 400 mg
Suspendit® 80 mL
25°C Protect from light
181 Day
Stability in solutions plastic bottle tablets 8000 mg
acesulfame potassium 400 mg
Steviol glycoside 95% 400 mg
Suspendit® 80 mL
5°C Protect from light
181 Day
Stability in solutions plastic bottle tablets 4000 mg
acesulfame potassium 400 mg
Steviol glycoside 95% 400 mg
Suspendit® 80 mL
5°C Protect from light
181 Day

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