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References   References 4040  
Type : Journal

Research teams : Kundl - Sandoz Biopharmaceuticals, Sandoz GmbH
Authors : Lamanna W.C, Heller K, Schneider D, Guerrasio R, Hampl V, Fritsch C, Schiestl M.
Title : The in-use stability of the rituximab biosimilar Rixathon®/Riximyo® upon preparation for intravenous infusion.
Reference : J Oncol Pharm Practice ;25,2: 269-278 2017

Level of Evidence : 
Level of evidence A+
Physical stability : 
Protein: Size Exclusion Chromatography 
Chemical stability : 
Protein: Peptide mapping
Protein: ionic chromatography
Capillary electrophoresis
Other methods : 
PH measurement 
Comments : 
Proteins: biological activity by cell culture

List of drugs
injectionRituximab Anticancer drug
Stability in solutions Polyethylene Sodium chloride 0,9% 1 mg/ml 2-8°C Not specified
31 Day
Stability in solutions Polypropylene Sodium chloride 0,9% 1 mg/ml 2-8°C Not specified
31 Day

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