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Internet legătură într- : http://www.ajhp.org/content/70/13/1163.abstract

Echipe de cercetare : Chicago - University of Illinois, College of Pharmacy
Autor : Leung E, Venkatesan N, Ly S.C, Scheetz M.H.
titlu : Physical compatibility of vancomycin and piperacillin sodium–tazobactam at concentrations typically used during prolonged infusions.
Référence : Am J Health-Syst Pharm ;70:1163-1166. 2013

Nivelul dovezii : 
stabilitatea fizică : 
Stabilitate chimică : 
alte metode : 
Comentarii : 

InjectabilPhenytoin sodium Antiepileptic
Incompatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilVancomycin hydrochloride 4 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilPiperacillin sodium / tazobactam Antibiotic
Compatibil 30/3,75 mg/ml + InjectabilVancomycin hydrochloride 4 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 40/5 mg/ml + InjectabilVancomycin hydrochloride 4 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilVancomycin hydrochloride Antibiotic
Incompatibil 4 mg/ml + InjectabilPhenytoin sodium 5 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 4 mg/ml + InjectabilPiperacillin sodium / tazobactam 30/3,75 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 4 mg/ml + InjectabilPiperacillin sodium / tazobactam 40/5 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%

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