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References   References 3324  
Type : Journal
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Research teams : Adelaide - Royal Adelaide Hospital, Department of Pharmacy
Authors : Hopkins AM, Sharley NA, Tang CD.
Title : Stability study of a thalidomide suspension.
Reference : J Pharm Pract and Res ; 42, 2: 115-117. 2012

Level of Evidence : 
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Other methods : 
Comments : 

List of drugs
Oral solutionThalidomide Anticancer drug
Stability in solutions Not specified Kapseln 500 mg
Tragacanth mucilage 10 ml
Sorbitol syrup 12.5 ml
Benzoic acid 50 mg
Citric acid 200 mg
Distilled water >> 50 ml
21-23°C Protect from light
31 Day

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