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References   References 2513  
Type : Journal

Research teams : Houston - University of Houston, College of Pharmacy
Authors : Das Gupta V, Stewart KR.
Title : Stability of propranolol hydrochloride suspension and solution compounded from injection or tablets
Reference : Am J Hosp Pharm ; 44: 360-361. 1987

Level of Evidence : 
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Other methods : 
Comments : 

List of drugs
Oral solutionPropranolol hydrochloride Beta-blocker
Stability in solutions Glass tablets 120 mg
Sodium benzoate 240 mg
Citric acid >>> pH 3.8
Simple syrup >> 240 ml
24-26°C Protect from light
238 Day
Stability in solutions Glass Medicine bottle for injection 50 mg
Sodium benzoate 100 mg
Citric acid >>> pH 3.8
Simple syrup >> 1000 ml
24-26°C Protect from light
238 Day

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