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Bibliografija   Bibliografija 2168  
Vrsta : Časopis

istraživačkih timova : Istanboul - Marmara University, Faculty of Pharmacy
Autor : Ozdemir FA, Anilanmert B, Pekin M.
Naslov : Spectrophotometric investigation of the chemical compatibility of the anticancer irinotecan-HCl and epirubicin-HCl in the same infusion solution.
Référence : Cancer Chemother Pharmacol ; 56, 5: 529-534. 2005

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Nije vrednovana: jedina studija kompatibilnosti

injekcijaEpirubicin hydrochloride lijek protiv karcinoma
inkompatibilan + injekcijaIrinotecan
injekcijaIrinotecan lijek protiv karcinoma
inkompatibilan + injekcijaEpirubicin hydrochloride

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