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References   References 990  
Type : Journal
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Research teams : Columbus - The Ohio State University Hospitals, Department of Pharmacy
Authors : Nahata MC, Zingarelli JR, Hipple TF.
Title : Stability of caffeine injection stored in plastic and glass syringes.
Reference : Ann Pharmacotherapy ; 23: 1035. 1989

Level of Evidence : 
Level of evidence C
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Stability defined as 95% of the initial concentration
Other methods : 
Comments : 
Method not shown but used to deposit authorization to market
No visual inspection

List of drugs
injectionCaffeine Respiratory stimulant
Stability in solutions Glass None 10 mg/ml 25°C Not specified
60 Day
Stability in solutions Glass None 10 mg/ml 4°C Not specified
60 Day
Stability in solutions Polypropylen Syringe None 10 mg/ml 25°C Not specified
60 Day
Stability in solutions Polypropylen Syringe None 10 mg/ml 4°C Not specified
60 Day

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