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References   References 4679  
Type : Journal
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Research teams : Nablus - An-Najah National University, Faculty of Medicines and Health Sciences
Authors : Zaid A.N, Abu Zaaror Y, Kaddumi A , Ghanem M , Jaradat N , Abu Salah T, Siaj S, Omari L.
Title : Stability of extemporaneously prepared sitagliptin phosphate solution.
Reference : PlosOne 17(3): e0262068. 2022

Level of Evidence : 
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Other methods : 
Comments : 

List of drugs
Oral solutionSitagliptine phosphate Glucose-lowering
Stability in solutions plastic bottle powder 1 g
® = ?
Sorbitol 21,9 mL
mannitol 2,2 g
strawberry flavor 625 mg
Purified water >> 100 mL
22-28°C Not specified
40 Day
Stability in solutions plastic bottle powder 1 g
® = ?
Sorbitol 21,9 mL
mannitol 2,2 g
strawberry flavor 625 mg
Purified water >> 100 mL
40°C Not specified
40 Day

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