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References   References 4637  
Type : Journal
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Research teams : Porto Alegre - Pharmacy School of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Authors : Gobetti C, da Silva Bitencourt, A, Vinícius Ayres M, Peixoto de Freitas A.L, Loureiro Mendez A.S, Garcia C.V.
Title : Evaluation of physicochemical and microbiological stability of liquid preparation from tizanidine hydrochloride tablets - a Hospital concern.
Reference : Braz J Pharm Sci ;57: e18896. 2021

Level of Evidence : 
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Other methods : 
Comments : 

List of drugs
Oral solutionTizanidine hydrochloride Various
Stability in solutions Glass tablets 6 mg
Water for injection >> 100 mL
15-30°C Not specified
7 Day
Stability in solutions Glass tablets 6 mg
Water for injection >> 100 mL
2-8°C Not specified
7 Day
Stability in solutions Glass tablets 6 mg
Water for injection >> 100 mL
40°C Not specified
7 Day
Stability in solutions plastic bottle tablets 6 mg
Water for injection >> 100 mL
15-30°C Not specified
7 Day
Stability in solutions plastic bottle tablets 6 mg
Water for injection >> 100 mL
2-8°C Not specified
7 Day
Stability in solutions plastic bottle tablets 6 mg
Water for injection >> 100 mL
40°C Not specified
7 Day

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