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References   References 4487  
Type : Journal
Web link : 10.3390/pharmaceutics12090786

Research teams : Clermont-Ferrand - University Hospital Gabriel Monpied, Department of Pharmacy
Authors : Chennell P, Yessaad M, Abd El Kader F, Jouannet M, Wasiak M, Bouattour Y, Sautou V.
Title : Do Ophthalmic Solutions of Amphotericin B Solubilised in 2-Hydroxypropyl- -Cyclodextrins Possess an Extended Physicochemical Stability?
Reference : Pharmaceutics ; 12, 786. 2020

Level of Evidence : 
Physical stability : 
Visual examination Turbidimetry 
Chemical stability : 
High Performance Liquid Chromatography - Diode Array detector (HPLD-DAD)
Other methods : 
PH measurement Measurement of osmolality 
Comments : 
Degradation products detected but not quantified

List of drugs
Eye-dropsAmphotericin B Antifungal
Stability in solutions plastic bottle Medicine bottle for injection 10 mg
Dextrose 5% 4 mL
23-27°C Not specified
28 Day
Stability in solutions plastic bottle Medicine bottle for injection 10 mg
Dextrose 5% 4 mL
3-7°C Not specified
168 Day

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