Last update :
References   References 4308  
Type : Journal
Web link : pone.0175208

Research teams : Montreal - Centre hospitalier Sainte Justine
Authors : Friciu M, Roullin G, Leclair G.
Title : Stability of gabapentin in extemporaneously compounded oral suspensions.
Reference : PlosOne 2017

Level of Evidence : 
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Other methods : 
Comments : 

List of drugs
Oral solutionGabapentine Antiepileptic
Factors which affect stability Temperature Reduction Induces Precipitation
Stability in solutions plastic bottle powder 3000 mg
Oral Mix® >> 30 mL
23-27°C Protect from light
90 Day
Stability in solutions plastic bottle powder 3000 mg
Oral Mix SF® >> 30 mL
23-27°C Protect from light
90 Day
Stability in solutions plastic bottle Kapseln 3000 mg
® = ? (Apotex Canada)
Oral Mix® >> 30 mL
23-27°C Protect from light
90 Day
Stability in solutions plastic bottle Kapseln 3000 mg
® = ? (Apotex Canada)
Oral Mix SF® >> 30 mL
23-27°C Protect from light
90 Day
Stability in solutions syringe powder 100 mg
Oral Mix® >> 1 mL
23-27°C Protect from light
90 Day
Stability in solutions syringe powder 100 mg
Oral Mix SF® >> 1 mL
23-27°C Protect from light
90 Day
Stability in solutions syringe Kapseln 100 mg
® = ? (Apotex Canada)
Oral Mix® >> 1 mL
23-27°C Protect from light
90 Day
Stability in solutions syringe Kapseln 100 mg
® = ? (Apotex Canada)
Oral Mix SF® >> 1 mL
23-27°C Protect from light
90 Day

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