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References   References 4066  
Type : Poster

Research teams : Paris - University Hospital Hôtel Dieu, Paris
Authors : Mordohay A, Chanat C, Bezia C, Fresneau J, Jobard M, Brandely-Piat M.L, Batista R.
Title : Etude de stabilité physico-chimique et microbiologique des collyres de ciclosporine à 0.5 ; 5 et 20 mg/mL conditionnés en flacons de polyéthylène basse densité.
Reference : APHIF 2017 - Congress 2017 2017

Level of Evidence : 
Physical stability : 
Visual examination 
Chemical stability : 
High Performance Liquid Chromatography - ultraviolet detector (HPLC-UV)
Other methods : 
Comments : 

List of drugs
Eye-dropsCiclosporin Immunosuppressant
Stability in solutions plastic bottle powder 4 mg
Castor oil >> 8 mL
20-25°C Protect from light
240 Day
Stability in solutions plastic bottle powder 40 mg
Castor oil >> 8 mL
20-25°C Protect from light
240 Day
Stability in solutions plastic bottle powder 160 mg
Castor oil >> 8 mL
20-25°C Protect from light
240 Day

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