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Internet legătură într- : https://ejhp.bmj.com/content/25/4/200

Echipe de cercetare : Camerino - University of Camerino, School of Pharmacy
Autor : Estan-Cerezo G, Matoses-Chirivella C, Soriano-Iriga L, Murcia-Lopez A.C, Rodrguez-Lucena F.J, Navarro-Ruiz A.
titlu : Stability and compatibility of ondansetron with haloperidol in parenteral admixtures.
Référence : EJHP ;25,4: 200-203. 2017

Nivelul dovezii : 
stabilitatea fizică : 
Stabilitate chimică : 
alte metode : 
Comentarii : 

InjectabilHaloperidol lactate Neuroleptic
Compatibil 0.02 >> 0.08 mg/ml + InjectabilOndansetron hydrochloride 0.032 mg/ml + NaCl 0,9% sau Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 0.02 >> 0.08 mg/ml + InjectabilOndansetron hydrochloride 0.064 mg/ml + NaCl 0,9% sau Glucoza 5%
InjectabilOndansetron hydrochloride Antiemetic
Compatibil 0.032 mg/ml + InjectabilHaloperidol lactate 0.02 >> 0.08 mg/ml + NaCl 0,9% sau Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 0.064 mg/ml + InjectabilHaloperidol lactate 0.02 >> 0.08 mg/ml + NaCl 0,9% sau Glucoza 5%

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