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References   References 3892  
Type : Journal

Research teams : Montreal - Faculté de pharmacie, Université de Montréal
Authors : Friciu M, Chefson A, Leclair G.
Title : Stability of Hydrocortisone, Nifedipine, and Nitroglycerine Compounded Preparations for the Treatment of Anorectal Conditions
Reference : Can J Hosp Pharm ; 69, 4 : 329-333. 2016

Level of Evidence : 
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Other methods : 
Comments : 

List of drugs
OintmentsHydrocortisone 17 valerate Anti-inflammatory
Stability in solutions Polypropylen Syringe powder 3,75 g
® = ?
Soft Paraffin >> 150 g
23-27°C Protect from light
365 Day
Stability in solutions Polypropylen Syringe powder 3,75 g
® = ?
Mediderm® >> 150 g
23-27°C Protect from light
60 Day
OintmentsNifedipine Vasodilator
Stability in solutions Polypropylen Syringe powder 750 mg
® = ?
Soft Paraffin >> 150 g
23-27°C Protect from light
365 Day
OintmentsNitroglycerin Vasodilator
Stability in solutions Polypropylen Syringe ointment 300 mg
Nitrol 2% ®
Soft Paraffin >> 150 g
23-27°C Protect from light
365 Day

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