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Echipe de cercetare : Potters Bar - National Institute for Biological Standards and Control
Autor : Tivnann H, Gaines-Gas R, Thorpe R et al.
titlu : An evaluation of the stability of granulocyte colony stimulating factor on the short-term storage and delivery from an elastomeric infusion system.
Référence : J Oncol Pharm Practice ; 2: 107-112. 1996

Nivelul dovezii : 
Analiza biologică
stabilitatea fizică : 
Stabilitate chimică : 
alte metode : 
Comentarii : 

InjectabilLenograstim Diverse
Stabilitatea in solutie Elastomer poliizoprenic clorura de sodiu 0,9% 2,63 µg/ml 4°C Neprecizat
14 Ziua

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