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References   References 3409  
Type : Journal
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Research teams : Charleston - Medical University of South Carolina
Authors : Kaushal G, Sayre B.E, Prettyman T.
Title : Stability of extemporaneously compounded diltiazem hydrochloride infusions stored in polyolefin bags
Reference : Am J Health-Syst Pharm ; 70:894-899. 2013

Level of Evidence : 
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Other methods : 
Comments : 

List of drugs
injectionDiltiazem hydrochloride Anti-arrhythmic
Stability in solutions Polyolefine Glucose 5% 1 mg/ml -20°C Protect from light
30 Day
Stability in solutions Polyolefine Glucose 5% 1 mg/ml 2-8°C Protect from light
30 Day
Stability in solutions Polyolefine Glucose 5% 1 mg/ml 22-25°C Light
30 Day

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