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References   References 2986  
Type : Journal

Research teams : Houston - University of Houston, College of Pharmacy
Authors : Gupta VD, Parasrampurian J, Gardner SN.
Title : Chemical stabilities of isoetharine hydrochloride, metaproterenol sulphate and terbutaline sulphate after mixing with normal saline for respiratory therapy.
Reference : J Clin Pharm Ther ; 13: 165-169. 1988

Level of Evidence : 
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Other methods : 
Comments : 

List of drugs
aerosolOrciprenaline sulfate Beta-stimulant
Stability in solutions syringe Commercial Drug product 15,15 mg
® =?
NaCl 0.9% >> 3,3 ml
25°C Protect from light
120 Day
Stability in solutions syringe Commercial Drug product 15,15 mg
® =?
NaCl 0.9% >> 3,3 ml
5°C Protect from light
120 Day

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