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References   References 2501  
Type : Journal
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Research teams : Rochester - University of Rochester Medical Center, Department of Pharmacy
Authors : Metras JI, Swenson CF, McDermott MP.
Title : Stability of procainamide hydrochloride in an extemporaneously compounded oral liquid
Reference : Am J Hosp Pharm ; 49: 1720-1724. 1992

Level of Evidence : 
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Other methods : 
Comments : 

List of drugs
Oral solutionProcainamide hydrochloride Anti-arrhythmic
Stability in solutions Glass Kapseln 150 mg
Procainamide Goldline®
Cherry Syrup (pH6) >> 30 ml
4-6°C Protect from light
180 Day
Stability in solutions Glass Kapseln 1500 mg
Procainamide Goldline®
Cherry Syrup (pH6) >> 30 ml
4-6°C Protect from light
180 Day
Stability in solutions Glass Kapseln 3000 mg
Procainamide Goldline®
Cherry Syrup (pH6) >> 30 ml
4-6°C Protect from light
180 Day

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