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References   References 2491  
Type : Journal

Research teams : Research Triangle Park - United Therapeutics corporation
Authors : St Claire RL, Caudill WL.
Title : Stability of cefuroxime axetil in beverages
Reference : Am J Hosp Pharm ; 46: 256. 1989

Level of Evidence : 
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Other methods : 
Comments : 

List of drugs
Oral solutionCefuroxime axetil Antibiotic
Stability in solutions Not specified tablets 250 mg
Orange juice >> 40 ml
25°C Not specified
2 Hour
Stability in solutions Not specified tablets 125 mg
Grape Juice >> 40 ml
25°C Not specified
2 Hour
Stability in solutions Not specified tablets 125 mg
Orange juice >> 40 ml
25°C Not specified
2 Hour
Stability in solutions Not specified tablets 250 mg
Grape Juice >> 40 ml
25°C Not specified
2 Hour

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