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References   References 2285  
Type : Journal

Research teams : Parkville - Monash University, Victorian College of Pharmacy
Authors : Wallace SJ, Li J, Rayner CR, Coulthard K, Nation RL.
Title : Stability of colistin methanesulfonate in pharmaceutical products and solutions for administration to patients.
Reference : Antimicrob Agents Chemother ; 52, 9: 3047-3051. 2008

Level of Evidence : 
Level of evidence D
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Other methods : 
PH measurement Measurement of osmolality 
Comments : 
Method not shown but the article refers to a validated method
Stability indicating capability inadequately assessed
No visual inspection

List of drugs
injectionColistin mesilate sodium Antibiotic
Factors which affect stability Temperature Increase Induces Degradation
Factors which affect stability Concentration Reduction Induces Reduced stability
Stability in solutions Glass Water for Injection 200 mg/ml 25°C Protect from light
7 Day
Stability in solutions Glass Water for Injection 200 mg/ml 4°C Protect from light
7 Day
Stability in solutions Polyvinyl chloride NaCl 0,9% or Glucose 5% 4 mg/ml 4°C Protect from light
48 Hour

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