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References   References 2104  
Type : Journal

Research teams : Pampelone - University Hospital, Clinical Pharmacology Service
Authors : Iriarte Izura MA, Gozalo garcia MJ, Marcotegui Ros F, Nagore Indurain C, Urdaniz Baztan AO.
Title : Estudio de la estabilidad de mezclas ciclofosfamida/mesna e ifosfamida/mesna en soluciones intravenosas de gran volumen.
Reference : Farm Hosp ; 24: 145-150 2000

Level of Evidence : 
Level of evidence D
Physical stability : 
Visual examination 
Chemical stability : 
High Performance Liquid Chromatography - Diode Array detector (HPLD-DAD)
Other methods : 
Comments : 
Stability indicating capability inadequately assessed
Repeatability / reproducibility / standard range: results not provided or results outside specified values
Unencrypted results (eg graphic)
No comments for the degradation products

List of drugs
injectionCyclophosphamide Anticancer drug
Compatible 1 >> 10 mg/ml + injectionMesna 0.2 >> 10 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionIfosfamide Anticancer drug
Compatible 1 >> 10 mg/ml + injectionMesna 0.2 >> 10 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionMesna Cytoprotective
Compatible 0.2 >> 10 mg/ml + injectionCyclophosphamide 1 >> 10 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0.2 >> 10 mg/ml + injectionIfosfamide 1 >> 10 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Stability of mixtures
Polyvinyl chloride Sodium chloride 0,9% 20°C Light
injection Cyclophosphamide 1 mg/ml
injection Mesna 0,2 & 1 mg/ml
24 Hour
Polyvinyl chloride Sodium chloride 0,9% 20°C Light
injection Cyclophosphamide 5 mg/ml
injection Mesna 1 mg/ml
24 Hour
Polyvinyl chloride Sodium chloride 0,9% 20°C Light
injection Cyclophosphamide 10 mg/ml
injection Mesna 2 & 10 mg/ml
24 Hour
Polyvinyl chloride Sodium chloride 0,9% 20°C Light
injection Ifosfamide 10 mg/ml
injection Mesna 2 & 10 mg/ml
48 Hour
Polyvinyl chloride Sodium chloride 0,9% 20°C Light
injection Ifosfamide 5 mg/ml
injection Mesna 1 mg/ml
48 Hour
Polyvinyl chloride Sodium chloride 0,9% 20°C Light
injection Ifosfamide 1 mg/ml
injection Mesna 0,2 & 1 mg/ml
48 Hour

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