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References   References 1864  
Type : Journal

Research teams : Parkville - Monash University, Victorian College of Pharmacy
Authors : Lau MH, Hackman C, Morgan DJ.
Title : Compatibility of ketamine and morphin injections.
Reference : Pain ; 75: 389-390. 1998

Level of Evidence : 
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Other methods : 
Comments : 

List of drugs
injectionKetamine hydrochloride General anesthetic
Stability in solutions Not specified Sodium chloride 0,9% 0,1 mg/ml 21°C Light
24 Hour
Compatible 41,2 mg/ml + injectionMorphine tartrate 57,8 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 27,7 mg/ml + injectionMorphine tartrate 57,8 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionMorphine tartrate Analgesic
Compatible 57,8 mg/ml + injectionKetamine hydrochloride 41,2 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 57,8 mg/ml + injectionKetamine hydrochloride 27,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Stability of mixtures
Not specified None 21°C Light
injection Ketamine hydrochloride 27,7 mg/ml
injection Morphine tartrate 57,8 mg/ml
24 Hour
Not specified None 21°C Light
injection Ketamine hydrochloride 41,2 mg/ml
injection Morphine tartrate 17,6 mg/ml
24 Hour

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