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References   References 148  
Type : Journal

Research teams : Lille - Faculté des Sciences Pharmaceutiques et Biologiques
Authors : Dine T, Cazin JC, Gressier B, Luycks M, Brunet C, Cazin M, Goudaliez F, Mallevais ML, Toraub I.
Title : Stability and compatibility of four anthracyclines: doxorubicin, epirubicin, daunorubicin and pirarubicin with PVC infusion bags.
Reference : Pharm Weekbl [Sci] ; 14: 365-369. 1992

Level of Evidence : 
Level of evidence D
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Stability defined as 90% of the initial concentration
High Performance Liquid Chromatography - fluorescence detector
Other methods : 
Comments : 
Stability indicating capability inadequately assessed
Degradation products not observed in real conditions

List of drugs
injectionDaunorubicin hydrochloride Anticancer drug
Stability in solutions Polyvinyl chloride NaCl 0,9% or Glucose 5% 0,016 mg/ml 4°C Protect from light
7 Day
injectionDoxorubicin hydrochloride Anticancer drug
Stability in solutions Polyvinyl chloride NaCl 0,9% or Glucose 5% 0,04 mg/ml 4°C Protect from light
7 Day
injectionEpirubicin hydrochloride Anticancer drug
Stability in solutions Polyvinyl chloride NaCl 0,9% or Glucose 5% 0,04 mg/ml 4°C Protect from light
7 Day

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