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References   References 1366  
Type : Journal

Research teams : Philadelphia - Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science
Authors : Jeglum EL, Winter E, Kotos M.
Title : Nafcillin sodium incompatibility with acidic solutions.
Reference : Am J Hosp Pharm ; 38: 462,464. 1981

Level of Evidence : 
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Other methods : 
Comments : 

List of drugs
injectionAtropine sulfate Antimuscarinic
Compatible 0.4 mg/ml + injectionNafcillin sodium 33 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionDiazepam Anxiolytic
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectionNafcillin sodium 33 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionDroperidol Neuroleptic
Incompatible 2.5 mg/ml + injectionNafcillin sodium 33 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionFentanyl citrate Analgesic
Compatible 50 µg/ml + injectionNafcillin sodium 33 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionNafcillin sodium Antibiotic
Compatible 33 mg/ml + injectionAtropine sulfate 0.4 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 33 mg/ml + injectionDiazepam 5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 33 mg/ml + injectionDroperidol 2.5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 33 mg/ml + injectionFentanyl citrate 50 µg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 33 mg/ml + injectionNalbuphine hydrochloride 10 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionNalbuphine hydrochloride Antidote
Incompatible 10 mg/ml + injectionNafcillin sodium 33 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%

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